NEW CHANGES: reverting back more to my old way of doing premades and commissions for sanity reasons. Regular commissions closed for now and no wait-list available.

regular commission system: this is the system everyone is familiar with, you can order a commission whenever you want for the prices shown below. (Which are higher now to lower the amount of commissions i get in per month)
Right now the regular commissions are closed and there is no wait-list, wait-lists tend to get way too long and i want to explore / use the second system more.
rng commission system: this is the system where commissions will go for a way lower price than the normal prices but i decide myself when it's available for a lower price. this will all happen through my server, this way i can control the flow of commissions more and you guys can get cheaper commissions. the person who can purchase the commission is chosen by a random generator, hence it being named "rng" commission system.You can find the server below:
click to join server
I know these changes / methods are quite strange but atm i'm trying to find the best way to go about things for my health's sake while still helping support my family. Thank you for understanding!

  • Down below you can see which art options i'm offering right now

  • Please keep in mind to read the TOS at the end of the page

  • you can find the form at the bottom of the page but can also send me a stash / album

  • the YCH Form can only be found inside my discord

  • My current worklist can be found in my discord server. I decided to move it fully there because it's easier to keep track of people / contact them through discord @'s.

Why does the pricing make no sense?
Prices go by how new an option is, how high the demand is, the system type and my irl situation. And the more detailed it is the more it can strain me so more detailed commission options tend to be pricier. (eye issues, explained more about that in my server)

after having tried out many commission types, right now i'm only accepting the commission types shown below.

Color changes + add-ons for commissions

for commissions there are color changes and other changes:

Because of health issues i've had to stop doing color changes / any other changes on pieces to cut down on the amount of work i do. unfortunately my health isn't 100% back to normal but it has definitely improved at least.i don't want to get an overwhelming amount of change requests in however as i still need to watch my health, so to hopefully avoid getting an overwhelming amount of change requests coming in the prices are quite steep. For now i wont do any color changes on free giveaway pieces, i still need to think this one through as i didn't allow it before on free ones either.(prices might change over time if i get too many change requests in and im also trying to perfect this system)

you have to pay the base price for whatever color change or item you want to add and then +5usd if you want me to export more than 1 version. So if you want the gif + still + big resize it's 10usd+5usd+5usd. it's pricier than text change exports since text changes are more important than color changes can also request colors to be added to greyscale pieces.if you're not sure what item falls under what category please let me know, and for hair style changes + outfit changes it'd have to be discussed as it can be easy or hard depending on the piece.

  • eye color changes: 10 usd

  • hair color changes: 40usd for short hair, 50usd for shoulder length, 60usd for long hair

  • skin color changes: 40usd on non animated version, 60usd on animated version

  • adding small items: (earring, piercing, hair clip etc) 5usd per item

  • adding medium items: (chokers, gloves, tiara's etc) 20usd per item

  • adding big items: (plushies, hats, hand bags etc) 40usd per item

  • adding animations: this is for 160x220 only, if you want to add more animations it's 10usd for: blinking, eye glistening, particles, random single sparkles (3-5 total usually), facial expressions or eye glows.

  • if you don't want the whole pack but just specific animations, each animation mentioned in the pack is 10usd individually. for bigger animations please contact me so we can discuss a price.

  • greyscale version: if you want me to turn your piece into a greyscale it costs 2usd per version as this doesn't take that much time for me.

twitch / discord emojis (112x112)

Regular commission price: 20usd per emoji

RNG system price: 5 to 20usd

  • 112x112 pixels

  • no animations

  • Please keep in mind that some emojis might be made in similar poses


When filling out the form make sure it's filled out fully, i wont design things from scratch for this option / make big adjustments (i only do that with full customs), the refs need to be complete. Small adjustments only for this option (like accessories etc are fine)

Regular commission price: 200usd

RNG system price: 50 to 190usd

(for couples it's double the price)

  • 500x500 pixels

  • details will be simplified

  • 1 normal art piece

  • Semi anime or semi realism

  • flat color background only: white, grey or black / off black.

  • no animations


When filling out the form make sure it's filled out fully, i wont design things from scratch for this option / make big adjustments (i only do that with full customs), the refs need to be complete. Small adjustments only for this option (like accessories etc are fine)

Regular commission price: 100usd

RNG system price: 20 to 90usd

  • 160x220 pixels

  • details will be simplified

  • painted/rendered in my more simple semi-realism and semi-anime style as shown

  • 1 normal art piece (non animated)

  • Semi anime or semi realism

  • flat color background only: white, grey or black / off black.

  • no animations included by default but can be added (costs extra)

(for couples it's double the price)


When filling out the form make sure it's filled out fully, i wont design things from scratch for this option / make big adjustments (i only do that with full customs), the refs need to be complete. Small adjustments only for this option (like accessories etc are fine)

Regular commission price: 200usd

RNG system price: 100 to 290usd

  • 160x220 pixels

  • 1 normal art piece (non animated)

  • One style only as shown

  • flat color / transparent / pattern background only

  • no animations included by default but can be added (costs extra)

(for couples it's double the price)

IMVU screenshot repaint (160x220)

this is not from scratch, using avatar to repaint

When filling out the form make sure it's filled out fully, i wont design things from scratch for this option / make big adjustments (i only do that with full customs), the refs need to be complete. Small adjustments only for this option (like accessories etc are fine)

(for couples it's double the price)

Regular commission price: 200usd

RNG system price: 100 to 190usd

  • 160x220 pixels

  • basic animation pack included

  • only editing what's on the screenshot

  • extra items cost extra depending on the size

  • flat color / transparent / pattern background only

half customizable art (160x220)

When filling out the form make sure it's filled out fully, i wont design things from scratch for this option / make big adjustments (i only do that with full customs), the refs need to be complete. Small adjustments only for this option (like accessories etc are fine)

Regular commission price: 300usd

RNG system price: 200 to 390usd

  • 160x220 pixels

  • semi-anime or semi-realistic style

  • basic animation pack included

  • fully customizable

  • painted/rendered in my more detailed semi-realism and semi-anime style as shown

  • flat color / transparent / pattern background only

(for couples it's double the price)

half customizable half premade (YCH) (160x220)

When filling out the form make sure it's filled out fully, i wont design things from scratch for this option / make big adjustments (i only do that with full customs), the refs need to be complete. Small adjustments only for this option (like accessories etc are fine)

this option can only be found and done through my server

(for couples it's double the price)

Regular commission price: 400usd

RNG system price: 200 to 390usd

  • 160x220 pixels

  • What can be added / changed for each character: skin color, hair + hair color, 2 big add-ons (explained in server what that means), 3 small add-ons, Can change facial features (default is semi-realism, if you want i to be fully semi-anime it's 10usd extra), animations (pack mentioned below), Clothes can be detailed,Can change gender (body weight changes are always allowed too, arm thickness, leg thickness, breast size, stomach size etc)

  • 2 animated, 2 stills by default. If more animations are chosen as usual there may be more versions added

  • pose already chosen

  • detailed background

  • base animation pack included:(blinking, eye glistening, particles that move globally up and down or fade, tiny stars that pop in different places, 1 small facial expression)

  • the half custom half premade / ych form can be found in my discord server in the #Ych-forms channel.

fully customizable art (160x220)

Regular commission price: 500usd

RNG system price: 200 to 490usd

  • 160x220 pixels

  • semi-anime or semi-realistic

  • amount of pieces you get depend on the complexity of your custom

  • fully customizable

  • fully detailed background if chosen

  • base animation pack included:(blinking, eye glistening, particles that move globally up and down or fade, tiny stars that pop in different places, 1 small facial expression) If you want to add more animations it will cost extra, the price depends on the complexity of the piece and the animation you want to add.

  • i can make designs ffrom scratch / make big adjustments at certain points with this option.

(for couples it's double the price)

medium sized simple art (500x500)

When filling out the form make sure it's filled out fully, i wont design things from scratch for this option / make big adjustments (i only do that with full customs), the refs need to be complete. Small adjustments only for this option (like accessories etc are fine)

Regular commission price: 300usd

RNG system price: 100usd to 290usd

50usd for pets (if it's just a pet in the drawing)

(for couples it's double the price)

  • 500x500 pixels MAX

  • simple-ish outfits / details only, more detailed costs more

  • Styles shown as above only

  • flat color / transparent background only

  • headshot / shoulder / chest up only

  • no animations available for this option

full body character art (around 1200x2500)

When filling out the form make sure it's filled out fully, i wont design things from scratch for this option / make big adjustments (i only do that with full customs), the refs need to be complete. Small adjustments only for this option (like accessories etc are fine)

Regular commission price: 600usd

RNG system price: 400usd to 590usd

(for couples it's double the price)

  • Around 1200x2500 pixels max, (phone wallpaper size kinda)

  • In style shown above only (semi anime big art style)

  • fully customizable

  • flat color background / pattern only

  • full body only

  • more detailed character / outfit will cost more

  • no animations available for this option

pc wallpaper sized art (discuss size)

1000usd+ for one character (couple costs double)

(for couples it's double the price)

  • wallpaper size needs to be discussed

  • semi-realism / simple semi-realism / experimental (price varies depending on style)

  • Detailed background

  • character is the main focus

  • fully customizable

  • how much of the character shows is up to you

  • i can make big adjustments with this option

  • no animations available for this option


This is the form that needs to be filled out if you'd like a price check or if you'd like to order a piece. you may send it to my discord @ capsule#9872

Commission / custom type: (for example medium sized art, screenshot edit 160x220 pixels)
Main text: (can be anything you want, REQUIRED for 160x220 pieces)
Watermark text: ( @IMVU for example or any of your social media, REQUIRED for 160x220 pieces)
Style: ( semi anime or semi realism if the option allows a style choice)
References:( link/images to hairstyles or accesoiries, outfits, eye color, skin color, that you want etc if the art option asks for it)
Background idea: ( If the custom type allows it you may put your background idea refs here, this cannot be empty)
Pose: ( Link/images for pose of character, this cannot be empty)
Expression: ( Link/images of possible facial expression you want your character to have as a standard)
Preferred animations: ( For 160x220 pieces only. basic animations are: eye shimmering, blinking, star sparkles at certain areas, global up and down moving sparkles/effect. Depending on what type of 160x220 custom piece you're going for basic animations may or may not be included. Have an animation in mind other than the basic ones, like a small facial expression change for example or anything bigger? Let me know and i will let you know whether i can make it work or not.)
Extra: ( anything else you'd like me to pay extra attention to or anything you'd like me to know)
Your paypal: ( can leave empty if you only want to check the price)


the tos can be found below in my google docs




160x220 premades are art pieces that are already finished and ready to be sold as they are, reason why they are so small (160x220pixels) is because these types of premades are mainly made for the 3d chat program imvu. You could see these pieces as adoptables. Examples are unfortunately not posted on instagram or most social media because of their TOS to have the rights to use whatever we post.


You can purchase them through the discord i currently reside in: here
please always read my TOS and rules before buying to avoid complications and misunderstandings.


For a few years now premades are sold through the auction method only. I usually price them from anywhere around 5usd to 30usd myself, but in the end the customers choose how high it will be priced by bidding.


Short explanation: resells are done through my discord server with my own resell system. You tell me which pieces you want resold, i check the price and info with you and i take care of the rest. There's a 90usd text fee which is pretty high, this was put in place to help deter bad people and so far it has been successful! More information available in my server.


because of recent changes i've reverted back to my old ways of doing premades. This means i don't have an exact time for you guys when or how many will be posted, you do get a slight heads up if you are a vip or booster however. You can become a vip by subscribing here:This works a lot better in general with my schedule + health + time.Please do your best not to message me about this, as i can't even give you exact information either.

Color changes + add-ons for premades

for premades there are color changes and animation add-ons only:

you have to pay the base price for whatever color change or item you want to add and then +5usd if you want me to export more than 1 version.
So if you want the gif + still + big resize it's 10usd+5usd+5usd. it's pricier than text change exports since text changes are more important than color changes imo.

  • eye color changes: 10 usd

  • hair color changes: 40usd for short hair, 50usd for shoulder length, 60usd for long hair

  • skin color changes: 40usd on non animated version, 60usd on animated version

  • greyscale version: if you want me to turn your piece into a greyscale it costs 2usd per version as this doesn't take that much time for me.

  • adding animations: this is for 160x220 only, 50usd for the whole animation pack: eye glistening, tiny sparks popping up in random places, particles ((hearts, sparks fading in and out, sparks moving etc)), facial expressions ((eye glowing, smirk, smile, smooch, snarl)), blinking.

  • if you don't want the whole pack but just specific animations, each animation mentioned in the pack is 10usd individually. for bigger animations please contact me so we can discuss a price.


the tos can be found below in my google docs


how to contact me

For the quickest response you may contact me on discord @ capsule#9872.
If you do not have discord you may contact me at capsule@imvu, cap.serum@instagram. i might respond slower on those, i apologize in advance.



Heya! Feel free to call me capsule / capserum or lu / luluI started off with traditional art at a very young age, later on i started editing imvu avatars and after a year or two i earned my first few dollars/credits through that.Knowing i could make money myself now i have kept going so that i could support my loved ones, thanks to you guys.